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  • Writer's pictureSarah and Martin Moesgaard

FAQs: Assisted Stretching

Updated: Jan 9

Assisted Stretching is quickly becoming a popular choice for those who want to feel better and move better. TrainMovePlay's professional, experienced practitioners answer your most Frequently Asked Questions about Assisted Stretching.

Are you interested in Assisted Stretching for yourself, or as a gift for someone else? Follow the button below to our Contact form where you can request a free consultation and more information.

Sarah performing assisted stretching

What is Assisted Stretching?

Assisted Stretching is a fast growing option for those who want to feel and move better. An educated, experienced practitioner manipulates your limbs, head, neck, and torso; gently pulling, twisting, and guiding you into a sequence of positions that release tight muscles, mobilize joints, massage connective tissue, and stimulate your body's recovery and regenerating systems.

Read more about how we, at TrainMovePlay, approach Assisted Stretching below and find answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions.

In Assisted Stretching, we release tight muscles, mobilize joints, massage connective tissue, and stimulate your body's recovery and regenerating systems.

FAQs: Assisted Stretching

Who is Assisted Stretching for?

Does Assisted Stretching hurt?

What are the benefits of Assisted Stretching?

How does Assisted Stretching work?

How long is an Assisted Stretching session?

How much does an Assisted Stretching session cost?

How often should I come?

How do I schedule a session? What happens if I have to reschedule?

Is Assisted Stretching the same as Yoga? Massage? Thai Bodywork?

What should I do before, during and after my Assisted Stretching session?

What do I bring with me to an Assisted Stretching session?

Can I buy someone else an Assisted Stretching session as a gift?

We hope this answers your questions about Assisted Stretching and sparks your curiosity and confidence. Ready to get started? Contact us at and let's chat or complete the Contact Form to request a call back or email from us.

Train Smart. Move Well. Play Hard, friends.

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